Nicksoutham poster thumb

Today we're showcasing the work of our very own concept artist Nick Southam, the genius behind one of our three "Make it Home" posters. Read on for more.

About Nick Southam

Nick has a secret dark past that he can't talk about. When he first came to Runic, his resume claimed he had been raised by wolves, but we have since realized that there are no wolves in the UK. Maybe he said "wool"? They have sheep there right? Honestly nobody really understands most of the things he says, but he makes with the art things real fine. Real real fine.

Nicksoutham process

On Process

Nick's process is inspired by his favorite Agatha Christie novels, and he will often start with the final strokes and work backwards to a blank page. This process is perfect for Hob because the game is also about unraveling a mystery. As Nick explains, "I wanted to represent a pivotal moment in the game, a moment of discovery and wonder. So I placed the character on the spot where he ** SPOILER ** and ** SPOILER ** his ** SPOILER ** all over the ** SPOILER **. If you look at ** SPOILER ** closely, you see ** OH COME ON ** that I've hidden in ** NICK ** to reveal ** NICK STOP ** which is actually ** NIIIIIIICK ** over all the ** WE'RE DONE HERE **.

Tomorrow we'll look at the work of Nicholas Kole, so make sure to check back!
